umm, just a few quick questions...
alright, firstly, at what point in the creation process did you say to yourself "this is really good, i should put this on newgrounds". second, if the hardest job you had was to trace VG Cats images, how were you able to screw that up? there is no way tracing could be nearly that difficult.
now, for the rest of newgrounds. what the fuck? how did this get a 3.4. people put their time and their weeks, nights, months, etc into making games for you people, and you give them 3.5s. this ass spends 20 min in front of his computer, and you give him a 3.4. thats enough to piss any self-respecting artist off.
back to the author, if you are going to choose to animate, make the whole thing animated. you wouldnt have lost points in my eyes if you had just drawn the characters your way, but kept the joke from vg cats. at least that way, you wouldnt lose points for horrible tracing.
and lastly, for tom. how did this get on frontpage? im convinced some kid hacked NG and put this on frontpage himself, because i have more faith in toms judgement, that he hopefully wouldnt just put whatever shit he finds in the portal on frontpage. sad day...